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Fourth Wing Updates

Dear Dreamers! Here we are finally with some new updates on the production of our Fourth Wing Special Edition!

As you know, books arrived here in Italy at the beginning of the second week of March (as when we last updated you with all the news) and where immediately sent for customization of the edges! Those have been beautifully completed by the 18th/19th of March!

Books have then been shipped to our typography to undergo the rebinding process! Once they arrived, all measurements of the edition where taken to create the mold that will be used to print the foiling design on the hardback covers plus the special paper that will be used to create the covers (Imitlin paper) was ordered.

Creation of the mold has been completed a few days ago, we travelled to the factory at the beginning of the week to check on progress and were happy to see it completed!

We were expecting updates this week on the arrival of the Imtlin paper for the hardcovers and finally received news yesterday: paper will be arriving to them by today, and on Monday they will start rebinding the books. We have stressed with the factory the importance of completing them as soon as possible, and they have said they will do everything possible to complete the copies by the end of next week. Meanwhile, if they are able to get some first copies finished sooner, they will let us know!

We are happy we are finally getting to the end of the production of this edition we really much care about, and are confident even though it went through a lot, the final result will be worth it all! Stay tuned for more updates as promised by the end of next week!

Thank you Dreamers


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Angelica Alayon
Angelica Alayon
Apr 21

Are we still able to order these and can we use a rep code for it ?


Apr 12

Thank you so so much for all your efforts! This must've been super stressful! I really appreciate all your doings and updates! <3

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